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tv   Melissa Harris- Perry  MSNBC  February 3, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PST

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maybe you want to incorporate a business. or protect your family with a will or living trust. and you'd like the help of an attorney. at legalzoom a legal plan attorney is available in most states with every personalized document to answer questions. get started at today. and now you're protected. this morning, my question, hasn't hillary done enough? plus, gabby giffords plea to congress to do something. they run, they path, they block, is the nhl ready to let racial minorities manage? first, the game that can bring glory or ruin on any given sunday.
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good morning, i'm melissa harry perry. i have one question for you. are you ready for some football? i know that i am. not that there's much of a choice in my home city of new orleans. there's no ignoring it. super bowl xlvii has come to town. the superdome is the place to be. the baltimore ravens are facing off against the san francisco 49ers. itis the best i can do if it's not the new orleans saints. they will be join d by the 110 million people watching on television. they are a captive side show for super bowl ads. they are costing $4 million for each 30 second spot. they will take it all in while consuming 1.2 billion chicken
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wings. 4 million pizzas and 50 million cases of beer. there's no denying our love affair with the game. alongside those numbers, this year's super bowl comes with another set of numbers that made that love much more complicated than ever. these new numbers could make cte as ewe nonmouse with football as nfl. it's chronic traumatic enreceive lolg, a brain disease caused by trauma to the head and the scientific evidence points to the connection between this long-term brain disease and the concussions and collisions that are part of our sport. last year, a boston university study that examines the brain tissue of deceased players found 50 confirmed cases of cte. of 34 players, 33 had the disease. last week, researchers announced
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there's a study that was the first of its kind to study living players. they found the protein that causes cte seen here in the brains on the right column in all five players studied. then there are the lives behind the science and the studies. that is what life looks like for players after the game ends and the symptoms of cte end. grown men suffering with headaches, dementia, paranoia, difficulties walking and talking and sometimes, worst of all, suicide. we all witness the most tragic of the diseases consequences last may when star linebacker junior seay took his life. in fact, he is one of sever players, including dave, shane
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and ray easterling who committed suicide and were later diagnosed with cte after their deaths. football is not the only sport associated with cte. as the most watched television programming and with more than $9 billion in revenue, football is the most profitable american sport. the ongoing research will uncover more and more football related cte. the love for the game and its potential dangers falls to all of us. all the fan who is consume and contribute to it to league the profit from the athletes who play in it. i'm not the only one talking about the relatively tiny sliver of the -- i'm not talking this tiny sliver of the population who are well paid. i'm talking the 3.5 million children under high school age who account for 70% of all football players in the country. youth tackle football players are exposed to head collisions
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like the pros but their still developing brains make them more susceptible to concussions. they may not understand the risks of playing the game and giving informed consent. it poses questions for parents. president obama felt the need to weigh in from a parent's perspective when he said quote, i'm a big football fan. if i had a son, i would have to think long and hard before i let him play football. for the parent who is do have to make that call, the decision may not be so cut and dry. they are weighing the risks of playing the game against the evidence of benefits. the lessons of team work and ta nasty, the team work and community. a supervised space for kids after school. the thing that makes them say hell yeah, we're ready for football. long and enduring love of the game. at the table, sportsed dor for
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the nation dave, former nfl player who won the super bowl with the tampa bay buccaneers, joy reid and dr. gary small and author of the alzheimers prevention program. it's nice to have you all here on super bowl sunday. >> great to be here. >> i know. all that. i want to start with you, doctor. i want to think a little bit about if we can now diagnose cte in the brains of living individuals, does that create an imperative for the nfl to test players for signs? >> we don't know how much this new test is going to apply to the nfl players until we look at it more. we have to follow people over time. this is a preliminary study. the results were so striking. we saw in the brains of these living players a pattern that was identical to what was seen at autopsy. what we are tagging are
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tal-proteins. the same as you see in alzheimers disease. itis not surprising that nfl players have a four times greater probability of dying with alzheimers than the general public. >> you are saying it sounds like a blood test. the images i was looking at were fmris. what is allowing the diagnosis? >> they are pet scans. it's like a guide. it measures radioactivity. we have invented a new chemical marker we inject. there's a radioactive tag. the scanner is measuring radioactivity. when you see the red in the scan, there's a lot of abnormal deposit. >> let's say that we can, as we move forward in science make clear distinctions. all right, there is evidence of
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the corelation that those who play in the nfl are more likely to die with alzheimers. how much does that change the game for us in our lifetimes? >> dramatically. i think it changes the game. i think 20, 30 years you might see a situation where football is outlawed for children under 14 where it's viewed as the same as operating heavy machinery. it also would cost too much to ensure the ability for children to play. there was once a boxer named buster mathis. his son said daddy, should i box or play football. son, please play football because nobody plays boxing. we might have to update that to say, you might want to look at boxing again. nobody really plays football because the risks are so high. >> we were talking in the green room about your decision. you are not only a former
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player, but also the father of sons and the decisions you are making for your sons. >> our boys are going -- when my wife was pregnant i said no football until 7th grade. they have to have a fundamental base for playing other sports. when he starts through puberty, you can stake the lows associated with football. this is 11 years before the tests and concussion scares came out. as parents, we have to understand why we are putting our kids in sports. is it because of team work or an end result. 80% of kids won't play after high school. you have to standardize the way it's coached at the youth level. three days of week of practice. things done in the nfl, you have to do it on the youth level as well. >> i grew up in virginia, in a town where football was the center. it's a little transgressive for me to wear a jersey.
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i was a cheerleader for a football team. ift was the center of our social life. it's how we integrated ourselves. it's hard for me to imagine my town without football. the majority of these kids never went on to play professional football. are those young men who when they were boys we were rooting for them, are they now living with the physical and brain consequences of that? >> i'm just like you, melissa. i grew up in denver, colorado. during sunday services, everyone was looking at their watches. you really want to preach because we need to go. we got home in time for the games. i lived in miami, where literally, you have families putting -- everything is riding on this kid. there are families that see this child as their way out of poverty. kids are playing way before 7th grade. it's almost a religion there.
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people are dedicated to it. our two boys, i grew up a football fanatic and our boys played soccer. we were against them going into football because of the head injuries. the difference between soccer and football is two days a week practice versus five days a week. >> we are going to stay on this. we have much more to talk about including our complicity as viewers, lovers of the game in this question. stay there. up next, football's toughest call. why some players are willing to risk their health for what feels like big money and a better life. [ snoring ] ♪ [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] zzzquil™ sleep-aid. [ snoring ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] it's not for colds.
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the median salary for an nfl player is $770,000 and reflects the premium of the risky job of subjecting ones body to injury and shortening their life span in the interest of entertainment. players are paid a lot of money short term for sacrificing their health down the road. if that seems like a fair trade, consider this. the career of the average player, the average player is 3 1/2 years. for those players, when that time is up, so is the money. it is enough time for them to have been exposed to mild brain injury that is result from the routine hits that lead to a lifetime of chronic health problems. ruben, i want to start with you on this. how do we think about compensation? should we think of it as you make nearly $1 million, we put up with it or look at the life
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span, it's only four years so over a lifetime, it's not that much money. >> it's hard to live in retro spect. at 40 years old, you look at it differently than 25. at 25 you say i'll deal with it when i'm 40. you don't know if you are going to play one year, three years rk i played 12 years. ray lewis, 10 years. you don't know how long you are going to last. you look at the trade off. you want to keep the guy behind you on the bench. injuries, current injuries, i had nine surgeries, spent two years of my life in crutches, not being able to walk. i wouldn't change anything, but i don't want to be a liability to my family in ten to 15 years when the things you spoke about earlier happen to the players. >> people are thinking of the moment. this is human nature.
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we are not thinking ten, 20, 40 years down the line. it's recently we have learned that when your brain is rattling around for tackles, not even going unconscious, itd's going to affect you in 40 to 50 years. >> if we are thinking in the long term, not everybody is facing the same time horizon. denzel smith writing for the publication we write for, dave, was writing about what is facing young boys in circumstances where they don't have a lot of economic sort of viability and where what they may be looking at is a different injury, gun violence or a lifetime of poverty. he writes, even if you are in the circumstances, the reason there are 1 million boys across the country playing this violent game is there are millions of dollars on the table in guaranteed contracts, endorsement deals for those who prove capable of strapping on the pads.
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who is more willing to play the lottery than those most economically disadvantaged? president obama's mythical son could opt out, but not other kids. >> it's going to define the future of who plays in the nfl. look at the most dynamic rookies, robert griffin iii, two african-american, one caucasian. what they have in common is they all come from stable, middle class homes. that's the kind of player i don't think you are going to see in the nfl in 20 to 30 years. it's going to become more and more. ift is now, but it's going to be a sport for the poor leveraging the fact they are willing to risk the injuries we are talking about. middle class families are not going to have their kids do it. it's almost 1 million less kids opted out playing youth football than the previous year.
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it's rooted in the fact of middle class suburban communities not wanting their kids to play. >> does it make a difference if we play in high school and before that it's touch football and wait for the contact? >> a young brain is developing. it's more vulnerable than an older brain in many ways. we don't know the cut off. we don't have the science to say when to take people out of the play. we are excited that now we can see these tal proteins in living people. we might be able to develop a task to rest your brain and get out of the game. know how long we have to rest it. if you sprain an ankle, that injury is going to get worse. you have to rest your brain, too. >> yeah. i think you saying also that on the high school and youth level you have to be cleared by a doctor to go on the field. you are starting to see it at all three levels.
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going back to obama's comments, his kids will have opportunities most wouldn't have. it's easy to say. i understand speaking as a parent. on the youth level, if you are playing -- i read that article this week. i had issues with it. you are playing football for an end roll. it goes back to your parents, your communities, why are you playing the game? you are playing for a 98% chance you won't play beyond high school. it's a fake dream to begin with. >> this goes back to the fan piece. the other reason is in the moment. it is a manhood prover. there's nothing quite like football. if you say you are a single mom, raising sons and you want to make sure you are manning them up and getting them out there and they are going to have coaches who are men and role models for them. listen quickly to kansas city chief offensive tackle in thinking of this manhood thing
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suggesting all of us as viewers are doing something horrible when we cheer for the injuries. let's listen. >> when somebody gets hurt, there are long lasting ramifications to the game we play. long lasting ramifications to the game we play. all right? i have come to the understanding i probably won't live as long because i play this game. it's okay. it's the choice i have made. when you cheer someone getting knocked out, it's sickening. it's 100% sickening. >> it's part of watching the game. i'm a saints fan. we cheer for the big hits. >> people are getting paid to do them. it is sort of our gladiator sport. going back, we are talking inner city discussion. it's how a lot of families prove their bona fides.
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look at northwestern high school, the top football school in miami and the bottom school in graduating actual children from high school. terrible reading scores. when ever an administrator tried to pull back the football program saying we are going to put a grade requirement in there, we're going make it harder to play. you want to see the parents and alumni go ballistic? it's a big problem. there are several attempts to reel it in. the parents and alumni shut it down. >> it's part of how you prove yourself. up next, we are going to talk about this. the economic question, who wins when a city like mine gets a chance to host a super bowl? [ male announcer ] kids grow up in no time... marie callender's turkey breast with stuffing is a great reason to slow down. creamy mash potatoes, homestyle gravy and 320 calories.
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all right. regardless of who emerges
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victorious from today's game, one thing city officials want you to believe is the super bowl is a win for the city of new orleans. 150,000 people will descend on the city hoping to pump money into new orleans economy. they are welcome dollars in the city where the tourism industry is 40% of the tax revenues. the city spent five years and $1.2 billion making improvements to roads, airports, hotels and restaurants in preparation for the super bowl. once the super bowl is over, new orleans gets back to business as usual. all the changes to the city don't necessarily equate to changes in the lives of the resident who is remain behind. i have to tell you, for those of us living in super bowl crazy town, just the traffic snarls, trying to get my kids to school, much more importantly, look at millions of dollars in profits coming to the hotels, but they don't raise the income for the front line workers.
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that money ends up back here in manhattan. >> event economics are like trojan horses. they are brought to a city and sold with the idea of the party aspect. like your city is going to host a party, you should have pride in that, it means something to the country. >> new orleans. >> it's reflected all over the world when a city hosts the olympics or world cup. it imposed an economic structure saying we are going to base it around a service economy, no benefits, seasonal work. it's 21st century migrant work. the rug is then pulled out from under you as soon as the event is over creating a dependence on this work and dependence by voters on what do we have to do to lure the big events back. >> in addition to the neuro science of the brain, you can talk about the attachment we
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have. everyone is irritated by the economics of this, building a streetcar that runs downtown, not the parts of the city where poor people live. on the other hand, people in the city are excited to host the party that is the super bowl. how are we so attached to something that is not so good for us? our brains are hard wired to enjoy the moment. if you feed yourself, you are no longer hungry. that's our back grounld. we are not thinking about the future. we are thinking at the now. talk to football players, hockey players they are in the moment. they enjoy it. the fans are vicariously in the moment. we are not thinking about the future. we are not thinking about when everybody leaves the town and there's an economic impact. >> how do we get to a longer term? right now in the city of new orleans, tu lane university where i work and support, i love them. we just built -- we forced
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through a football stadium because football is more important than these other questions in the city. >> the right wing is going to hate this answer. to me, it's an economic reality. if you want the events to create stable economies, public investment needs to go hand in hand with public ownership. if they are going to refurbish the superdome, the public should have a stake in it. the profits get funneled back into schools, roads and the longer term jobs that build the kind of steady, good income infrastructure that can create the basis of a middle class in a city. >> these teens are luring cities to pay for the stadiums, put public money in that benefits the team. the miami dolphins just did this. they are getting all these tax dollars to pacically prop up the profits of one family that owns the teams. these privately owned teams.
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there's nothing coming back. the people who live in the community with domes and great box seats, they can't afford a ticket. the teams are not interested in making it more democratic. give us the money or we will leave the city. it's a threat. >> can you imagine a space in which nfl players became in relationship to their communities -- we see lots of good work by players in their communities. actually part of a political movement in the communities which they play. >> players were more political. i grew up respecting muhammad ali choosing not to go to war, jim brown. this era is a lot different. i don't think you are going to have your quarterbacks, franchise teams stepping out, taking that leap of faith against the owners and for the communities. i don't think so. the next year, you get traded.
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you start to realize, this is a job. i need to keep my job opposed to taking on the bigger picture. >> they are a part of it, too. i hate to do it. not to take sides, but baltimore ravens used to be called something else. just saying. >> hello. up next, when it comes to minorities in the league's power positions. they have a flag on the field. [ female announcer ] switch to swiffer sweeper, and you'll dump your old broom. but don't worry, he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ who's that lady? ♪ sexy lady ♪ who's that lady? [ female announcer ] swiffer sweeper's electrostatic dry cloths attract and lock dirt, dust, and hair on contact to clean 50% more than a broom. it's a difference you can feel. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. and now swiffer wet and dry refills are available with the fresh scent of gain. [ woman ] too weak.
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wears off. been there. tried that. ladybug body milk? no thanks. [ female announcer ] stop searching and start repairing. eucerin professional repair moisturizes while actually repairing very dry skin. it's so powerful you can skip a day... but light enough you won't want to. dermatologist recommended eucerin. the end of trial and error has arrived. try a free sample at
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let's see if walmart's low price guarantee can make you the mvp of savings. look at that price. wow! walmart lowers thousands of prices every week. if you find a lower advertised price, they'll match it at the register. no way! yeah! touchdown! ready? get out! that's the walmart low price guarantee! see for yourself! bring in your last receipt, see how much you can save. see for yourself! get great prices on everything you need for your game time party. like rotel diced tomatoes and popcorn, indiana original kettle corn backed by walmart's low price guarantee. super bowl week in the nfl is the biggest showcase for the sport. in the end, it's only two teams, the baltimore ravens and the san francisco 49ers in the spotlight. for the other 30 teams, it's time to join the rest of us on the couch and watch another team win the championship. after the regular season ended in december, seven families fired their general managers.
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the team executives in charge of picking the players. eight of them fired their head coaches. of the eight newly unemployed coaches, two were in kansas city and lovie smith in chicago were african-american. that left four active head coaches in the league, three black and one latino. five minority managers. there were 11 including interim coaches. in 2003, the league institutes the rooney rule, which required they interview a minority candidate for any head coach opening. before then, there were only seven head coaches of color, ever, in the nfl history. that's increased to 20. 20 black and latino head coaches are permanent or interim. they are doing quite well, thank you. sinls super bowl xli when tony
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dungy became the first black head coach to win a super bowl. for seven seasons there's been a black coach or general manager leading the super bowl come pet the tor including tonight with ozzie newsome. despite that, this off season, zero men of color were hire d as nfl coaches. for the general manager openings zero minorities got a job. the nfl went 15 for 15 when it came to hiring white people to lead their teams. now, why might that be? seven of the eight head coaches hired specialize in offense, not defense, a sign of where the league is headed. one nfl team, baltimore ravens have a black guy calling the game. taking them to an appearance in
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super bowl xliv where, of course, they lost to my new orleans saints. despite his helping lead the ravens to tonight's super bowl, you know how many interviews he got from the teams looking for a head coach? yep, zero. something is not quite right here. next, i'll talk to a man behind the drive to interview minority coaching candidates to see if he thinks more change needs to happen. stay tuned. and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and class-leading 38 mpg highway... advanced headlights... and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a $199-per-month lease on the 2013 nissan altima. ♪ officewith an online package new colincluding: domain name,y!
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i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios 25 years ago, we first saw a black man calling the plays on a super bowl team. doug williams was the starting quarterback of the washington redskins when they rolled over the denver broncos, 42-10 in super bowl xxii. in super bowl xlvii later today, the 49ers will attempt to have a second quarterback ever to have a winning super bowl. williams paved the way for dozens of quarterbacks making
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the question of whether black players can make the position a moot point. whether or not black folks can coach the team, that, after all these years seems to be an open question. two african-american head coaches were in the super bowl six years ago. one of them, lovie smith of the chicago bears was fired after his team barely made the playoffs. smith, along with every other coach of color who interviewed was not hired. the stat is curious given the rooney rule was developed. the teams have to interview a coach of color. an attorney who fought for the creation is here. he's co-founder and council to the alliance and co-author of "black coaches in the football
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league." dave and roman and dr. gary small. i want to come to you first. >> sure. >> first, explain what the rooney rule is. it's actually one of my favorite examples of what i think is affirmative action that works and ought to be implemented in a lot of different systems. >> i very much appreciate being here, melissa. i like the jersey. we are proud of the success of the last ten years. we started this with the late john yn yny cochran. over a dozen african-american or coaches of color have been selected over the last ten years. there's been quite a bit of success. as you noted, the success on the field is something we are tremendously proud of. the last seven years starting with lovie smith and tony dungy
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being head coaches followed every year since there. there's been at least one african-american head coach. one of the most respected gms leading the way with the baltimore ravens. >> does the success of the coaches or general managers of color suggest they are held to a higher standard because once they are in there, they are clearly performing at a high level? >> there's always been a double standard. there's a double standard in corporate america. if you look at madison avenue, financial services, big law firms, there's a double standard. that was the point of the report we released ten years ago. that doesn't mean there aren't solutions. the reason why we remain optimist optimistic, we are disappointed, but not discouraged. we gathered and are saying we are going to stay on the battlefield. we are going to regroup, redesign the game plan and come
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back stronger. we have some new ideas we think are going to make it better going forwards. >> let me ask you about that. we have been spending the past half hour talking about the problems in the game for players on the field. now i'm saying what i would like to do is incorporate more people of color into the game that we may be seeing declining, if in fact, we have these medical circumstances. how do we balance those two things? >> i mean it's a great game. everyone, this is america's game. it's a game that we are all passionate about. one of the reasons we are fighting so hard to create equal opportunity in this game is because of the influence on america's young people. ceos come and go with ibm, dell. what happens for a head coach in this country affects millions of people, their fans and particularly has an impact on young people. it's one of the reasons we have been so motivated to bring about
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change here. we want them to feel if they work hard and are determined the sky is the limit on what they do. they can go in any field they want to pursue. if they are in this sport or a former player in the sport. we want fair compensation until the sport. >> i wanted to take a moment and listen to the commissioner on this issue. i'm interested to find out from you how responsive you think the commissioner has been. listen. >> we will take steps to ensure more diversity in hiring practices. the results this year were simply not acceptable. the rooney rule has been effective over the last decade. we are to look at the next part of the rooney rool. what is going to take us to another level? we are committed to finding an answer. >> respond to that for me. >> sure. well, i have to say that the commissioner could not be more
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fantastic in how open he's been with us. how he's actually met with us in new orleans a few days ago. he's committed. that's one of the reasons why we feel excited about the possibility that this is going to be successful down the road as we have been in the last ten years. we think it will be more successful going forward because there's leadership from the top of the nfl. they are eager to hear from us, they are open to our ideas and we feel we have a strong partnership. >> thank you. i really appreciate the rooney rule, which i think is a stands ard of how we ought to be making policy in general and you staying on the implementation of it over the years. >> thank you very much. when we come back, i want to ask the question is this the biggest super bowl ever? can it score a victory for marriage equality? that's next. wears off. been there. tried that.
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there's nothing easy about being here. >> about being yourself. >> being an individual. >> they help define who you are. >> don't be bullies intimidated or pressured into being someone or something you are not. >> join >> that was a bit of the it gets better video they released last august before they started their current super bowl run. they are not the only nfl team to do so. i'm sorry, they were the only nfl team to do so. this week, the nose tackle isaac sopoaga and ahmad brooks said they were not in it. i didn't make a video. this is america. if somebody wants to be gaye, they can be but i didn't make a video. they realized their ways but not
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before the damage was done. chris has to walk back about homosexual remarks he made earlier in the week. when it comes to rights of lbgt americans is it getting better in profootball? i mean, it is possible that they just weren't quite sure what was going on. it also feels there's a set of pressures the kids are facing or maybe they are just homophobic. >> i can't expect a 23-year-old kid -- i'm 40 years old, i can't expect them to have the same responsibility of what comes out of his mouth during super bowl. he rescinded his comment and took it back. i think, at that age, at 23, i don't think i would have felt differently. we all had a fear football, that's the opposite of being gaye. that in the locker room culture
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is what the fear is. it's not the lifestyle. it's the fear. >> which makes the baltimore raven, brendon -- i have been working on that all day. he did something exceptional. i want to listen to what he said. it's a brave statement given this point about locker room culture. >> i'm a linebacker for the baltimore ravens. i believe we should make maryland families stronger. it's why i support marriage for gaye and lesbian couples. >> good job. >> i live in maryland. he was a critical force in passing a prolbgt program. he helped make that happen. a punter for the minnesota vikings helped pass similar legislation in the state of minnesota. actually traveled across the state doing it. scott for the kansas city chiefs. what you are seeing are more and more players actually stepping
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up and saying we challenge this idea that manhood is defined first of all by heterosexuality and the violence of the football league. we want to expand the definition of what this means to be strong, express the definition of manhood. this is transgressive and revolutionary. you have to go back to teddy roosevelt. >> right. >> the word sissy in this country was poplarized by teddy roosevelt to define people who didn't play football. >> exactly. >> you are seeing a turning on the head of what it is to be a man. that strikes a blow at homophobia. >> here you see it. >> what happened immediately to him after that? there was a long new york times article about the blow he got where he was accused of being gaye and people went after him.
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it's still in football, soccer, facing the same issues where people step out a little bit for gay rights and they immediately get the pushback. >> the state delegate sent a letter to the owner of the ravens, democratic, african-american sent a letter to the owner saying he should shut his player up. >> i want to be careful. on the one hand, you made a point about press week. we are asking these young players to take a stance. the other place where we see horrifying homophobia on super bowl sunday is in the commercials. there's a way where they are spending millions of dollars of highly sexist commercials. we get a sense of leaking manhood to antigay positions and madison avenue profiting from it. the kids are, they are kids, they are in their 20s. itis part of it.
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>> i'm from the school of thought, one thing we don't want is a high school kid kicker, punter, receiver getting beat to death because of his perceived lifestyle from the macho guys in the football room. you don't want that to happen in a high school situation. >> there is the other wonderfully sort of clear space in the super bowl. it is halftime. right? there is this -- we were sort of spending time thinking about the super bowl. it's the game, it's also the food we are eating beforehand and also the commercials and also the halftime, which, you know, has this kind of performance that is different. >> historically, what you are saying is correct. jonath jonathan, a writer for bloomberg said halftime is done by the up with people. it is organized by the lgbt
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people. >> last year, it was madonna. >> it's all these gay icons performing. is this not the gayest sport in america? yes, it is. >> every play begins with a snap, the touching of the behind. we are having a good time today. >> women love it, too. >> the same discussion is happening on espn right now. >> i'm hope i didn't lose my glad award for saying that. thank you for sticking around. when we come back, we are going switch gears and get to something serious, the issue of guns and the gun crisis. we are going to talk about hillary clinton and why her legacy is important to whether she runs or not. there's more nerdland at the top of the hour. [ female announcer ] want younger looking eyes that sing wow
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request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. welcome back. i'm melissa harris-perry. this week, a few of us could turn our eyes on gun violence. >> speaking is difficult but i need to say something important. violence is a big problem. too many children are dying. too many children. we must do something. she is right. we must do something. but, the question i am asking today, what? what is that something that will
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make a difference? to help answer that question, i have with me today, an editorial director of a fellow at the nation's institute. he's the author of the upcoming book, "partisan priority"s, joy reid and the former president of p brady campaign, richard now the president of the citizens of crime commission of new york city. thank you all for being here. i want to start with you. >> sure. >> we are at a point where we are willing to say something must be done. what is that something? >> something needs to be a lot. i think the big difference in the discussion is for the first time we are having an honest discussion about the complexities of gun violence. we can no longer pursue this peace meal approach, one bill at
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a time. the president is making that point repeatedly. he's proposing a large series of executive actions, many of which will help, much of which he can do on his own. legislati legislative pieces, each one is very important. >> what can the president do on his own? when i hear someone say we need comprehensive big reform, have you noticed who is going on in america? >> he can charge the executive branch. the health people can do research about the dangers of gun not being kept locked up. the executive branch can encourage the department of justice to step up their law enforcement activities. there's an enormous amount we can do. we are living in a country that violent crimes were record highs in the '90s driven to a record low. we can do that again.
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we can have lots of research done. we need research to understand the relationships in the gun violence area. these are all things the president can do. >> there are nearly 300 million firearms in the united states, basically how many people there are. we are a heavily armed people. it feels to me like there are different kinds of gun violence and certain policies impact them. there's the individual on the rampage. it's the thing that gets us moving. the persistent daily violence. there's issue of suicide, which one is more effective and efficiently able to do when one has a firearm. there's domestic violence and the extent where it turns into murder when you have someone who is armed in the household. so, those feel like very different policies. what are our ideas around those? >> i think that as you said, it's very different. if you talk inner city violence,
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it's being done with assault weapons and illegal. they are drive by shootings being done not with the ar-15, which is the pep of choice for mass murders. in a lot of cases with ak-47s. there was an issue in miami where people had gold plated aks. it's a sign of a gang. people who can pass the background check themselves and turn around and sell them to people who couldn't. it's an enforcement issue. a lot of day-to-day violence is handguns, people with handguns in the home. there's no way to regulate that. you have a right to have those. there's a range of things that can be done. background checks are the thing everyone agrees on and would dent the spree killing and the drive byes. >> i think even in the urban violence, it's handguns. it's the ease of which inner
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state gun trade takes place. so, if you look at a place like new york and look at the neighborhoods where it remains gun violence in spite of the rapid climb of violence crime, the guns were purchased legally in virginia. >> right. >> and we have enormous, we have very good gun laws in new york city and new york state. they were purchased legally in virginia. if you go to brooklyn and talk to 16-year-olds about guns, they will tell you, yeah, so and so goes to virginia, buys them legally in the state of virginia. >> then you are able to transport them across the state line on i-95. >> they are illegal once they are here. they were legal in the state of virginia. you see the same relationship between places that have big cities with gun problems with good gun laws and surrounding our nearby states that aggressively defend their
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ability to initiate an inner state gun trade. >> it's part of the idea of the challenge we face in federalism. the decisions made at the national level, if they are not supported by 50-state solutions as ridiculous as that sounds to say, really, when talking states that are abutting each other and close to each other, the choices impact the crime in new york city. >> they do. that's federalism. we are both political scientists. we know about federalism. you have a strange situation where a city like new york or chicago, which is experiencing gun violence, you have all those residents in favor of all kind of gun control but they are at the mercy of constituents down state and out of state who are less supportive of the idea. >> here is my worry. sometimes when americans get to
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a moment where we say 9/11 happened, we are terrified. newtown happened, we are terrified. the kind of policy we make behind that can be exactly the wrong kind of policy. how do we guard against terror based policy? >> it's different this time. a couple observations. when you say there are 300 million guns in america, that number can scare people saying if there are 300 million there, there's nothing we can do. >> and i better have one. >> so there's 301 million in america. is fast number do so lawfully and have nothing to do with the criminal problem. we have a two-part issue with gun violence. illegal gun trafficking which is described and mental health issues, people prone to suicide, teens and adults. we have that issue as well. that's where we need to drive our focus. the big thing that is changing now is after the first time you see responsible gun owners
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saying hey, the nra leadership is not in touch with what we want to do. we have to do something. we gun owners have a responsibility like non-gun owners and we intend to be part of the conversation. we are going establish the principle to have the second amendment but keep criminals from having guns. >> that sounds best to me. i think about the war on drugs and anti-terrorism. we move toward a profiling of certain kind of people. i worry, do we end up in our terror actually creating more of a police state for our young people, you know, in these cities? >> at the same time, i totally agree with you, stop and frisk is one of the big things african-americans in new york have against michael bloomberg in new york. it's an issue. go into a community with gun
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violence and gang violence. the residents would like police to be kicking in doors and taking down gangs. if they do it, they say if we start doing that, the community is going to come at us and say we are profiling that neighborhood. it's a catch 22. >> also, the war on drugs grew out of black leaders in the siege neighborhoods saying help. >> exactly. >> after lynne bias' death, we passed all these mandatory minimums and all the things that have been a rallying cry in the civil rights community since then. but it's also how you do it, let's be clear. nobody asked the nypd to show up and stop everybody coming out of public housing. there is the how you do it question. backing up on your initial question is that i think that there are some basics we all do agree on. we agree on background checks, right?
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>> yeah. >> even that alone, if we have universal background checks, if you couldn't walk into a gun show in virginia and buy a gun in five minutes with no background check, that slows it down. >> stay right there. we are going to talk more on it. we have more on this. it is a complicated question. we are going to go to chicago when we get back. the chicago team who was gunned down one week after performing at the president's inauguration leads us to ask, will her death finally change things in that city? [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation.
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there are a few cities in america suffering an epidemic of gun violence like chicago. the overwhelming number of gun
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crimes wasn't enough. in january, the worst rate of homicide in ten years bringing the number to 42 in just the first four weeks of the year. one of those killed was a 15-year-old honor student who was shot on tuesday. she just returned from the nation's capital of performing at the president's inauguration. back at school off such a high, she was in a park near her school and hit by a gunman who opened fire in the middle of the day. this happened in a city where you cannot find a single gunshot because they are banned. the only state in the union that doesn't allow private citizens to carry guns in public. chicago banned assault weapons and high capacity magazines. if there's hope for national reform where one of the places with the toughest gun laws in the country is still reeling from this level of gun violence.
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joining us from chicago is kathy cohen, founder of the black youth project, a political science professor at the university of chicago. hi. >> hi, melissa. >> i feel like the hardest thing to comprehend about this, for those of us who think gun control and common sense gun control has to happen is that chicago has such tough gun laws. what in the world can be done? >> well, i think, you know, first of all, we have to say this is a very difficult time for the city of chicago. people are sad and frustrated. it feels like there is no end to the end lsz killing of young people. i think as your guest noted already, we have some of the strictest gun laws in the country. the question is the gun laws aren't comprehensive. folks can go a few miles outside the city limits and buy guns. individuals can bring guns from out of state. in fact, last year, i think the
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police department confiscated 7,500 guns compared to 3,200 guns confiscated illegally in new york. even with the strict gun laws, the guns are flowing in. >> i know the black youth project launched a petition requesting president obama come to chicago to make a major speech addressing gun violence. what do you think that initiative can accomplish or what a speech by the president can accomplish? >> we have been clear we want to president, as we call it, obama to come home. stands on the soil where young people from the south side and the west side take their lives into their own hands as they venture into the things we asked them to do like walk to school, you know, play in parks. they take their lives into their own hands. we want the president to do a number of things. this is why we think a speech from the president is important. you know this as a political scientist, he can use it as a
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bully pulpit. he can rally the country. we know lots of people have heard about what's going on in chicago, it's not clear they understand what's going on. he can give an understanding of what our young people are facing. two, as your guests talked, the executive branch has resources to lend to the effort. there's a needed kind of coordination at the national level at this point. i think people are trying to do whatever they can from community groups to faith-based communities. there's a leadership and coordination needed from the national level. one last thing, the most parent reason for him to come here, i think people have seen him rightly go to newtown, they have seen him go to aurora. there needs to be a sense, i think, from folks in chicago that our children are worthy, also. >> yep. >> symbolically for the quality of our young people, we need to see him here in chicago.
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>> i hear you. i like the point you are making about what a president can do. i want you to ask and listen for a moment to the chicago mayor, rahm emanuel who just visited with the pendleton family. i want to listen to what he had to say, then ask you about mayor emanuel. >> having spent time last night with the pendleton's and the family, when any young person in our city is gunned down without reason their death makes an impression on all of us. it demands action from all of us. as we grieve for her, we need to work together to protect our greatest resource. the children of the city of chicago. >> so, kathy, we know the president has certain kinds of power. mayors also have it. what is the pressure that needs to be brought on this mayor for this city? >> well, you know, i think -- i don't doubt the mayor cares about the young people of the city. i think when folks look at the
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record over the last year or two years what we have seen is a record number of deaths in 2012. we have seen the highest homicide rate in january of 2013 than we have seen in ten years in a decade. so, it is not about the mayor's sincerity. it is about holding the mayor accountable. for example, we have seen a shift in policing strategies that kind of saturation units use lized in the past when the new police commissioner came on. now it seems that the city is now going back to a saturation unit strategy. i think there needs to be consistency. there needs to be a sense of ending the violence and the long-term struggle. this is about young people who don't have jobs and don't see a future. this is about young people who don't have quality education. 50% of young african-american men not graduating from high school. these are immediate issue that
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is have to be dealt with and broader, structural issues. we have to hold the mayor accountable and the president. >> thank you, kathy. i know you are raising a child in chicago. you know my daughter spends the summers in chicago. in addition to our research, this is personal for both of us. >> yes, it is. >> thank you so much. >> please go to our petition, obamacomehome. >> i love that you got that in. >> thank you. up next, the picture that says a lot more than 1,000 words in the gun debate. rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away.
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we also heard mark kelly preface his testimony saying -- >> we are a lot like many of our fellow citizens following this debate about gun violence. moderates, gabby was a republican long before she was a democrat. we are both gun owners and we take that right and the responsibilities that come with it very seriously. >> this time around, the gun control debate hasn't faded from public view as quickly as it did after virginia tech, aurora or tucson. in part, it is because of the way the story line was crafted. an important aspect is this photo-op. you have to say i'm a gun owner or show yourself with a gun to get a chance to be part of the conversation. >> there's a very important reason. this is not about banning guns. we have to send a message this is about gun safety and reform. this is not about breaking down their door and taking their guns. this is about taking guns from
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criminals and mental health patients. it's reducing the death associated with guns, changing the culture of guns, changing the culture of violence. it's not about banning guns. the reason the nra took power is they have scared gun owners into believing we want to ban all guns. they have to tell their membership they have something to gain or something to lose. they are scaring them away from necessary forms. >> your language about nra scaring, listen to wayne lapierre this morning on fox news using some scary language to talk about guns. >> we are all obsessed with the taliban and we ought to be. what about these gangs that are ruining neighborhoods. we need a federal task force, if it takes 500 agents, 1,000 agents, go into chicago. >> now chicago is the taliban, right? this feels like fear.
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>> it's an interesting thing. actually, i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of low income residents agreed with that. look, we want more law enforcement, we want this to be treated as a national emergency. maybe not with the same language. put 1,000 agents on the street of chicago, a lot of people might be in favor of that. >> weren't they away from the international treaty like that. you have to realize when he's talking, this is a guy whose main directive is to make more gun sales. slate had an article 300 million guns, shotguns for sporting. there's a diminishing return of sales there. now the big market is in the sort of vicarious fake military guy. that is where the market is growing. people buying assault weapons like ar-15s to pretend they are in the military and doing fake war games.
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itis where the growth in the market is. >> profit driven. >> it's all they care about. their tactic is to distract and scare. by distracting they are saying this is a law enforcement issue. yes, they are some for sure. this is not only a law enforcement aspect. they stand shoulder-to-shoulder with gun control advocates. they understand we have to get the guns off the street. the criminal guns off the street. lapierre knows he can't take them on or the reasonableness of the laws they are proposing. treat as a law enforcement issue and watch out, they are taking away your guns. both of which are false. >> scared of these black people. >> i want to ask you a little bit about the fact that this time, kai, attention seems to have sustained longer than ever before. therefore, maybe there's room. we saw in the washington post this interesting graphic that looks at the amount of attention, news stories mentioning gun control.
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it's after the gifford's shooting, the next one up is the aurora shooting then the virginia tech. the tall one is newtown, a week before all the way to after. newtown is creating for us an ability to have a sustained conversation. is this the moment where finally the lapierre can't maintain control of it? >> let's be clear, newtown was visually and culturally something that was just universally shocking on a scale that we hadn't seen. absolutely we see that scale of violence in urban neighbors. to see that many young people killed was shocking. and to the white house's credit, they leapt on the moment and have kept it in the news. part of the sustainability is good political strategy. nra did a good job of looking
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ridiculous and keeping it in the news by calling chicago afghanistan. >> it is afghanistan in the sense that there were more deaths by gun in chicago last year than in afghanistan last year. >> right. >> but there were other thing that is went on in chicago that we need to talk about. yes, there are simple policy sligss around guns and we need to focus on that. background checks. you shouldn't be able to buy weapons of mass destruction. at the same time, chicago has had 20% unemployment for a minute. say the person who shot was a 16-year-old which is a likelihood. he has spent the majority of his life living in near crisis. >> likelihood of no job. >> we had double digit unemployment rates in black america since 2001.
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the poverty hunger, all of it, historic levels. some of the violence we see is about is fraying. you can only sustain crisis for so long before you start to see fraying. in neighborhoods in new york, you are starting to see random acts of violence. they are intimate and frightening. it's aside from gun policy. also something we need to talk about while we have this sustained intention. >> i want to give you the last word on it. >> your earlier point is exactly right and you are exactly right. every year we lose more americans to gun violence than we have lost american soldiers in all the years of iraq and afghanistan. yes, this is about newtown, but this is also about those americans being killed every day. they cannot be unforgotten faces. that's what this debate is about. those are the people we owe a responsibilities to and those are the people we stnd up to.
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those deaths can be prevented. we have the obligation and we can do it. >> thank you for being here today. the rest are back for more. up next, hillary clinton, my counter argument. [ female announcer ] switch to swiffer 360 dusters extender, and you'll dump your old duster. but don't worry, he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ who's that lady? ♪ sexy lady, who's that lady? [ female announcer ] swiffer 360 dusters extender cleans high and low, with thick all around fibers that attract and lock up to two times more dust than a feather duster. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. and now swiffer dusters refills are available with the fresh scent of gain.
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friday marked hillary clinton's last day at the u.s. secretary of state. she bid adieu to the state department, the speculation over the next stop on her political projectry fired up again. two packs are formed one with the website preparing to support her undeclared candidacy for 2016. people, let the woman breathe or take a nap. in one sense, the speculation is fair because hrc has been a boss. on newsweek's latest cover, they go with the notion calling clinton the most powerful woman in american history. she's been much more than
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bubba's wife, lawyer, political organizer, professor, first l y lady, senator and secretary of state. it's natural to think adding president to the list of accomplishments would be icing on the cake, right? wrong. people, please, stop acting as though her legacy is only complete if she becomes president. if we are so worried about the possibility of an end of the era for hillary, broaden it to the overall representation of women in elected office. more worrisome is the closing of the white house project, a group founded in 1998 to promote women in politics and possibly the presidency. the reason for closing? lack of financial support. kai wright, patrick, joe reid and rebecca, author of "big girls don't cry." she is the hillary fan i like to bring to balance out the hillary
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hate that will emerge from me if i am not careful. of course, i don't hate hillary. i just hate the discourse that she's going to be president in 2016. you are my favorite hillary fan. >> it's interesting that on friday, her last day at state, in the article he brings us up, too. i was 17 when bill clinton won the presidency. my entire adult political consciousness had hillary clinton, more than bill, had hillary clinton in a position of public power in one way or another. it's been 20 years. that has been my adulthood. i felt not warmly toward her and very warmly. the idea she was going to leave, i did wake up thinking hey, it's the end of an era. >> it's the end of something. >> it's a shift, you know. maybe that's a better way to think about it. it's a shift that she, the clinton's represent a moment that for many of us was a coming
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of age. hillary clinton is an important part of it. it feels to me like by the push -- the thing i hate about the conversation is the push to have her run in 2016 as though if she doesn't she is a failure. all the rest of everything she's done and been doesn't matter if she's never president. that seems wrong to me. >> in a lot of ways, the desire to have hillary be president, hillaryland, if you go into that world of people obsessed with her and really want her to be president and didn't want to support barack obama, it took a lot for them to get over her not being the one. the intensity is the desire for there to be a women's time in office. there's a feeling around them. they want it. hillaryland wants it almost more than -- maybe not bill clinton. >> i don't think bill wants her to be president. i don't think bill clinton wants -- >> i think the fight is in bill
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clinton's head. i think bill clinton wants her, doesn't want her. i would argue that it's broader than just hillaryland. she represents a lot. i'm not saying she should run for president. i think what she represents and she is one figure and came from a generation that enacted so much change, he always, since long before the presidency was in question as a first lady candidate in 1992, she reflected something women never saw before. it was a new version of themselves. people attached so much meaning to her. she continues to have and she's built more and more and more. >> we know from political science research it's more difficult for them to run for office and win. when you have somebody who appears to be on the threshold of winning, you understand the enthusiasm. it's that's much harder. >> you are right. that trajectory for women is tough. we know, of course in political science research the people we
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elect to the presidency, our senators, governors and vice presidents. we don't elect first ladies. on the one hand, maybe that's bad. some of our first ladies would have been better presidents than their husbands. i always feel a little creepy about the fact that despite she is an exceptionally accomplished woman, that pathway was her husband. >> i'm not -- you are right. the anxiety we feel is right. but it's also tied to her role as history maker. it's how women got in from the earliest mayors, they were wives of, daughters of sisters of. she is representative of a pattern. >> white women. >> yes. that's right. >> i think this is part of why it never quite -- as a black woman, i'm supposed to have angst about whether or not to support president or then senator obama because he was black or senator clinton because
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she was a woman. my mom was mormon. that notion of this generation of women and who they are, i always want to say whoa. which women are you talking about? >> how sad is it if you think of an american life, she is the only female figure that seems to have the stature to be president. the only other woman on the cusp was sarah freaking palin. a lot of people were saying my god, if that's going to be the first american president -- >> more coming up now. >> nikki hallie. if i pause and take my emotions and put them here, voters won't do it. if i do, nikki halie, as a young woman of color, is one strong candidate. suzanna martinez, fire and light at the gop and carries a gun
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into bingo, these are candidates which i got to tell you, a 70-year-old hillary clinton would have a real challenge with. >> pamela harris is incredible. within her own party, people are coming up. who knows where they are going to be in four years. who knew where barack obama was going to be in four years. you have people. you have elizabeth warren. you have hawaii. you have tammy baldwin. [ inaudible ] >> i don't know if he's going to come for her. none of those people has what hillary has. one word, universal name id. you know how expensive it is to buy name identity? >> hillary clinton had a lot of name recognition when she got beat by a guy who beat her with
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a middle name of hussein. ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it.
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heart-healthy, whole grain oats. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time.
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slow her roll to get some sleep. all right, look, there's hillary on the one hand. on the other hand, there are all the women she wants to blaze a trail. i want to read this from the white house. we are sorry to inform you that due to the challenging economic climate, the white house project had to close its doors. our work will continue as it transitions to other organizations. this is a big deal. it's the end of an era. >> it's a bad climate for organizations that need to raise money. the white house project had a challenge, it was not a partisan organization. raising money to train women in both parties wasn't going to necessarily draw the kind of fund that is perhaps, you know, there are lots of partisan organizations. i want to speak a little bit about what it means to be a trail blazer like hillary. actually, directly after her primary run in denver, when she gave the second concession
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speech, i talked to wilson, the founder of the white house project. she told me then that after that run by hillary, where lots of people said she was beat up so bad it's going to discourage other women from getting into politics. it was up 60%. watching a woman in there in politics inspired so many women to begin with. the converse of that is powerful figures like hillary, we can tell ourselves and the number of women elected to the senate, we are good, we are at 20%. >> 20% in the senate, 17% of the seats in the house. it's a record year for women. >> it is terrific -- at 20%. >> exactly. >> headlines about how terrific it is without the asterisk saying 20%. you know, given -- representing 51% of the population. >> lulls us. >> right. it tells us, hillary clinton, the most powerful woman in
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history, terrific, without the asterisk does not say did not win her party's nomination. why dif money to organizations saying look at the powerful organizations out there. ladies are doing fine. >> it's interesting. to the extent there's moderate success, it moves public opinion in a way that doesn't lead the critical need to bring more women into the system. >> it's interesting to think of hillary clinton and potential democrats that might run for presidency. >> shire. >> one of the interesting things is how similar she is in terms of policy views to joe biden, andrew cuomo. they all, if you put them on a stage to debate, they don't have anything to disagree about. >> what does that primary look like? >> exactly. it helps them in a lot of competition. you really are looking at a difference that is more symbolic. >> it's not symbolic in the
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sense that if you name them, the only one that acquired her power the same way as the two black senators, three of those four acquired power by election. we have the barrier, we have women and african-americans, the maximum power. >> through appointment. it has not gone away. it doesn't mean their power isn't well deserved and isn't real, but it suggests a reluctance on the part of voters. i will say, you nou, as long as we are calling 2016, i'm going to say, i have a joy thing that i sleep on at night where i imagine joe biden running with nina turner from ohio. that would be fun. >> t-shirts. >> more in a moment. first it's time for a preview with weekends with alex witt. >> thank you so much. an unfolding mystery in texas. the most lethal sniper in texas is now dead. someone shot him, why?
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drawing the line in sand that could hit all americans hard in a matter of weeks. this teen plays a prominent role. we'llics plain that. how far is too far? super bowl ads are selling something. it doesn't seem like the product that is highlighted. what looks best? what do you think? >> i don't know if i can stand that. >> it is what it is. >> thank you, alex. up next, i am here in new york and football and beyonce are in my hometown in new orleans. i'm sad but i'm going to talk about what hosting the super bowl means to me. officemax is celebrating our new collaboration with go daddy! with an online package including: domain name, website builder with five pages and basic email just $49.99! that's up to 76 percent below online providers and only at officemax stores!
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in three minutes, the moment our show wraps, i will run out of the studio, grab my bag, waiting by the door and rush to
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the airport in hopes to make it home to new orleans before super bowl kick off. loving football is complicated now that we have a clear understanding of the physical costs that our beloved players bear. for me, being excited about the super bowl is complicated when it is played in new orleans. i am talking about more than my disappointment that is saints are not in the big game. atlanta is not there, either. i'm talking how it feels to watch the super bowl being played in the superdome. for many of us, the superdome is both a symbol of resilience and le birth and loss and abandonme abandonment. in august of 2005, it was shelter for 25,000 new orleanians. people believed the superdome would be a safe place to ride out the storm. the facility lost power. no air-conditioning or running water. without sanitation, citizens
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found themselves trapped in unimaginable and uninhabitable conditions. more than seven years later, the superdome is the sight of america's biggest party hosting more than 75,000 people in a space that has seen more than $300 million in republican novations. they used money from fema to rebuild the dome and downtown. to make sure the saints wouldsn't leave downtown and deliver a hit from which we might not recover. we love our saints. some of us wonder if the money would have been better spent on homes, schools and hospitals. so the saints stayed and they played and they even won bringing us home the lombardi in 2010. the pain lingers. there's no monument, marker or physical reminder of what was suffered and lost there. controversy over the dome is not new. in 1971 when the sight was initially es ka vated they uncovered skeletal remains of
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victims with yellow fever and the cholera from the 1930s buried in mass graves on the sight. many believed the team was cursed because the stadium was built on burial grounds. so, we welcome the eyes of the world on our city. we want you to witness our rebirth. we are proud of what we have rebuilt. but, i'm going to reserve a moment on this day to remember that this place is sacred ground and that those who were lost there were our neighbors and our friends and that football and republican novation and profits alone cannot bring justice. that's our show for today. thank you to kai and pat trick, joy and rebecca. thank you at home for watching. see you next saturday at 10:00 a.m. eastern. coming up, "weekends with alex witt." check out my new treadmill app.
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